The Revenant in the Nautilus
The only thing that's worse than your compactor getting loose while riding at 90% the speed of light was when it happened while your goggles fogged up.
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Thoughts on Walking at Night
It's a quiet summer night, warm outside. Warm enough to have a window open but cool enough that a hoodie is comfortable. A breeze rustles the leaves of a bush or tree outside and you feel it brush over your face. The T.V. has switched over to a test pattern or maybe static, the sound is low so you don't wake anyone else up.
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It Never Stopped Raining
A storm came through Mayberry County a little over a week ago. The rivers washed out the road, trees fell on the power lines, and most everyone hunkered down in their homes to wait for the storm to blow over. The only problem is that it never did. It’s been ten days, and it’s still raining.
The Revenant in the Nautilus
The only thing that's worse than your compactor getting loose while riding at 90% the speed of light was when it happened while your goggles fogged up.
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Thoughts on Walking at Night
It's a quiet summer night, warm outside. Warm enough to have a window open but cool enough that a hoodie is comfortable. A breeze rustles the leaves of a bush or tree outside and you feel it brush over your face. The T.V. has switched over to a test pattern or maybe static, the sound is low so you don't wake anyone else up.
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It Never Stopped Raining
A storm came through Mayberry County a little over a week ago. The rivers washed out the road, trees fell on the power lines, and most everyone hunkered down in their homes to wait for the storm to blow over. The only problem is that it never did. It’s been ten days, and it’s still raining.
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